GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Can , an obs. form of began, imp. & p. p. of Begin, sometimes used in old poetry. [See Gan.]
    1913 Webster

    With gentle words he can faile gree.

    1913 Webster

    Can, n. [OE. & AS. canne; akin to D. Kan, G. Kanne, OHG. channa, Sw. Kanna, Dan. kande.]
    1. A drinking cup; a vessel for holding liquids.
      [Shak. ]

      1913 Webster

      Fill the cup and fill can,
      Have a rouse before the morn.

      1913 Webster

    2. A vessel or case of tinned iron or of sheet metal, of various forms, but usually cylindrical; as, a can of tomatoes; an oil can; a milk can.
      1913 Webster

      ☞ A can may be a cylinder open at the top, as for receiving the sliver from a carding machine, or with a removable cover or stopper, as for holding tea, spices, milk, oysters, etc., or with handle and spout, as for holding oil, or hermetically sealed, in canning meats, fruits, etc. The name is also sometimes given to the small glass or earthenware jar used in canning.

      1913 Webster

    Can , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Canned ; p. pr. & vb. n. Canning.] To preserve by putting in sealed cans [U. S.]Canned meats”
    W. D. Howells.

    1913 Webster

    Canned goods, a general name for fruit, vegetables, meat, or fish, preserved in hermetically sealed cans.

    Can , v. t. & i. [The transitive use is obsolete.] [imp. Could .] [OE. cunnen, cannen (1st sing. pres. I can), to know, know how, be able, AS. cunnan, 1st sing. pres. ic cann or can, pl. cunnon, 1st sing. imp. cūðe (for cunðe); p. p. cūð (for cunð); akin to OS. Kunnan, D. Kunnen, OHG. chunnan, G. können, Icel. kunna, Goth. Kunnan, and E. ken to know. The present tense I can (AS. ic cann) was originally a preterit, meaning I have known or Learned, and hence I know, know how. √45. See Ken, Know; cf. Con, Cunning, Uncouth.]
    1. To know; to understand. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      I can rimes of Robin Hood.
      Piers Plowman.

      1913 Webster

      I can no Latin, quod she.
      Piers Plowman.

      1913 Webster

      Let the priest in surplice white,
      That defunctive music can.

      1913 Webster

    2. To be able to do; to have power or influence. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      The will of Him who all things can.

      1913 Webster

      For what, alas, can these my single arms?

      1913 Webster

      Mæcænas and Agrippa, who can most with Cæsar.
      Beau. & Fl.

      1913 Webster

    3. To be able; -- followed by an infinitive without to; as, I can go, but do not wish to.

      Syn. -- Can but, Can not but. It is an error to use the former of these phrases where the sens requires the latter. If we say, “I can but perish if I go,” “But” means only, and denotes that this is all or the worst that can happen. When the apostle Peter said. “We can not but speak of the things which we have seen and heard.” he referred to a moral constraint or necessety which rested upon him and his associates; and the meaning was, We cannot help speaking, We cannot refrain from speaking. This idea of a moral necessity or constraint is of frequent occurrence, and is also expressed in the phrase, “I can not help it.” Thus we say. “I can not but hope,” “I can not but believe,” “I can not but think,” “I can not but remark,” etc., in cases in which it would be an error to use the phrase can but.

      1913 Webster

      Yet he could not but acknowledge to himself that there was something calculated to impress awe, . . . in the sudden appearances and vanishings . . . of the masque
      De Quincey.

      1913 Webster

      Tom felt that this was a rebuff for him, and could not but understand it as a left-handed hit at his employer.

      1913 Webster

    May , v. [imp. Might ] [AS. pres. maeg I am able, pret. meahte, mihte; akin to D. mogen, G. mögen, OHG. mugan, magan, Icel. mega, Goth. magan, Russ. moche. √103. Cf. Dismay, Main strength, Might. The old imp. mought is obsolete, except as a provincial word.] An auxiliary verb qualifying the meaning of another verb, by expressing: (a) Ability, competency, or possibility; -- now oftener expressed by can.
    1913 Webster

    How may a man, said he, with idle speech,
    Be won to spoil the castle of his health!

    1913 Webster

    For what he [the king] may do is of two kinds; what he may do as just, and what he may do as possible.

    1913 Webster

    For of all sad words of tongue or pen
    The saddest are these: “It might have been.”

    1913 Webster

    (b) Liberty; permission; allowance.

    1913 Webster

    Thou mayst be no longer steward.
    Luke xvi. 2.

    1913 Webster

    (c) Contingency or liability; possibility or probability.

    1913 Webster

    Though what he learns he speaks, and may advance
    Some general maxims, or be right by chance.

    1913 Webster

    (d) Modesty, courtesy, or concession, or a desire to soften a question or remark.

    1913 Webster

    How old may Phillis be, you ask.

    1913 Webster

    (e) Desire or wish, as in prayer, imprecation, benediction, and the like.May you live happily.”


    1913 Webster

    May be, and It may be, are used as equivalent to possibly, perhaps, maybe, by chance, peradventure. See 1st Maybe.

    1913 Webster

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