GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Once , n. (Zool.) The ounce.
    1913 Webster
    Once , adv. [OE. ones, anes, an adverbial form fr. one, on, an, one. See One-, -Wards.]
    1. For one time; by limitation to the number one; not twice nor any number of times more than one.
      1913 Webster

      Ye shall . . . go round about the city once.
      Josh. vi. 3.

      1913 Webster

      Trees that bear mast are fruitful but once in two years.

      1913 Webster

    2. At some one period of time; -- used indefinitely.
      1913 Webster

      My soul had once some foolish fondness for thee.

      1913 Webster

      That court which we shall once govern.
      Bp. Hall.

      1913 Webster

    3. At any one time; -- often nearly equivalent to ever, if ever, or whenever; as, once kindled, it may not be quenched.
      1913 Webster

      Wilt thou not be made clean? When shall it once be?
      Jer. xiii. 27.

      1913 Webster

      To be once in doubt
      Is once to be resolved.

      1913 Webster

      Once is used as a noun when preceded by this or that; as, this once, that once. It is also sometimes used elliptically, like an adjective, for once-existing. “The once province of Britain.” J. N. Pomeroy.

      1913 Webster

      At once. (a) At the same point of time; immediately; without delay. “Stand not upon the order of your going, but go at once.” Shak. “I . . . withdrew at once and altogether.” Jeffrey. (b) At one and the same time; simultaneously; in one body; as, they all moved at once. -- Once and again, once and once more; repeatedly. “A dove sent forth once and again, to spy.” Milton.

      1913 Webster

    Ounce, n. [F. once; cf. It. lonza, Sp. onza; prob. for lonce, taken as l'once, fr. L. lynx, Gr. , or an (assumed) fem. adj. lyncea, from lynx. Cf. Lynx.] (Zool.) A feline quadruped (Felis irbis syn. Felis uncia) resembling the leopard in size, and somewhat in color, but it has longer and thicker fur, which forms a short mane on the back. The ounce is pale yellowish gray, with irregular dark spots on the neck and limbs, and dark rings on the body. It inhabits the lofty mountain ranges of Asia. Called also once.
    1913 Webster

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