GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Koulan , n. [Native name.] (Zool.) A wild horse (Equus onager or Asinus onager) inhabiting the plains of Central Asia; -- called also gour, khur, and onager. [Written also kulan.]
    1913 Webster

    ☞ It is sometimes confounded with the dziggetai, to which it is closely related. It is gray in winter, but fulvous in summer. It has a well defined, dark, dorsal stripe, and a short, erect mane. In size, it is intermediate between the horse and ass.

    1913 Webster

    Onager , n.; pl. L. Onagri , E. Onagers . [L. onager, onagrus, Gr. .]
    1. (Rom. Antiq.) A military engine acting like a sling, which threw stones from a bag or wooden bucket, and was operated by machinery.

      1913 Webster
    2. (Zool.) A wild ass of central Asia, especially the koulan (Equus hemionus syn. Equus hemippus syn. Equus onager, formely Asinus onager).
      1913 Webster

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