GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

     Bun, Bunn  (), n. [Scot. bun, bunn, OE. bunne, bonne; fr. Celtic; cf. Ir. bunna, Gael. bonnach, or OF. bugne tumor, Prov. F. bugne a kind of pancake; akin to OHG. bungo bulb, MHG. bunge, Prov. E. bung heap, cluster, bunny a small swelling.]
    1. any of a variety of slightly sweetened or plain raised cakes or bisquits, often having a glazing of sugar and milk on the top crust; as, “a hot cross bun”.

    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    2. a type of coiffure in which the hair is gathered into a coil or knot at the top of the head.


    3. pl. the buttocks. [slang]


    BUN n. [acronym] (Med.) same as blood urea nitrogen; the concentration of nitrogen in blood present in the form of urea; -- used as a measure of kidney function. Blood usually contains 10 to 15 mg of nitrogen per 100 ml in the form of urea.  Stedman.


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