GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 5 definitions

    Muck (mŭk), adv. Abbreviation of Amuck.

    [1913 Webster]

    To run a muck. See Amuck.

    [1913 Webster]

    Muck, n. [Icel. myki; akin to D. mög.  Cf. Midden.]
    1. Dung in a moist state; manure. Bacon.

    [1913 Webster]

    2. Vegetable mold mixed with earth, as found in low, damp places and swamps.

    [1913 Webster]

    3. Anything filthy or vile. Spenser.

    [1913 Webster]

    4. Money; -- in contempt.

    [1913 Webster]

    The fatal muck we quarreled for. Beau. & Fl.

    [1913 Webster]

    5. (Mining) The unwanted material, especially rock or soil, that must be excavated in order to reach the valuable ore; also, the unwanted material after being excavated or crushed by blasting, or after being removed to a waste pile. In the latter sense, also called a muck pile.


    Muck bar, bar iron which has been through the rolls only once. -- Muck iron, crude puddled iron ready for the squeezer or rollers. Knight. muck pile see muck pile in the vocabulary.

    [1913 Webster +RH]

    muck, a. Like muck; mucky; also, used in collecting or distributing muck; as, “a muck fork”.

    [1913 Webster]

    muck, v. t. To manure with muck.

    [1913 Webster]

    muck, v. i. & t. To excavate and remove muck5.  Often used with out, as, “to muck out a round”.


    . . . Inco is still much more advanced than other mining companies. He says that the LKAB mine in Sweden is the closest rival. He predicts that, by 2008, Inco can reach a new productivity plateau, doubling the current mining productivity from 3,350 tonnes to 6,350 tonnes per person per year. Another aim is to triple the mine cycle rate (the time to drill, blast and muck a round) from one cycle to three complete cycles per 24 hours.


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