GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Order (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ordered (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ordering.] [From Order, n.]
    1. To put in order; to reduce to a methodical arrangement; to arrange in a series, or with reference to an end. Hence, to regulate; to dispose; to direct; to rule.

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    To him that ordereth his conversation aright. Ps. 1. 23.

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    Warriors old with ordered spear and shield. Milton.

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    2. To give an order to; to command; as, “to order troops to advance”.

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    3. To give an order for; to secure by an order; as, “to order a carriage; to order groceries.”

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    4. (Eccl.) To admit to holy orders; to ordain; to receive into the ranks of the ministry.

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    These ordered folk be especially titled to God. Chaucer.

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    Persons presented to be ordered deacons. Bk. of Com. Prayer.

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    Order arms (Mil.), the command at which a rifle is brought to a position with its butt resting on the ground; also, the position taken at such a command.

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    ordered adj.
    1. having or evincing a systematic arrangement; especially, having elements succeeding in order according to rule; as, “an ordered sequence; an ordered pair”. Opposite of disordered or unordered. [Narrower terms: abecedarian, alphabetical; consecutive, sequent, sequential, serial, successive ]

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    2. arranged in order.

    Syn. -- orderly, regulated.

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    3. in good order.

    Syn. -- so(predicate).

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    4. disposed or placed in a particular kind of order. OPposite of disarranged.

    Syn. -- arranged.

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    5. arranged according to a quantitative criterion.

    Syn. -- graded, ranked.

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    6. marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts.

    Syn. -- consistent, logical, orderly.

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