GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    sandbag (?), n. A bag filled with sand; small sandbags may be used as a weapon, or larger ones to build walls or as ballast; as, “they kept the flooding river from the area by buiding a temmporary dike out of sandbags”.

    [WordNet 1.6]

    sandbag (?), v. To treat harshly or unfairly. [wns=1]

    [WordNet 1.6]

    2. To hit something or somebody with or as if with a sandbag. [wns=2]

    [WordNet 1.6]

    3. To protect or strengthen with sandbags; stop up; as, “the residents sandbagged the beach front”. [wns=3]

    [WordNet 1.6]

    4. To thwart (another person's plans) by surreptitious maneuvers; as, “he sandbagged my proposal by talking in private with other members of the committee”. [informal]


    5. To intimidate or coerce, especially by crude methods. [Informal]


    6. To deceive and take advantage of (a person) by misrepresenting one's true intentions. [Informal]


    7. Hence: (Poker) To encourage opponents into betting more by first refraining from betting while having a strong hand, and only later raising the stakes. In informal games, certain types of sandbagging are forbidden.


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