GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    { -ward , -wards }. [AS. -weard, -weardes; akin to OS. & OFries. -ward. OHG. -wert, G. -wärts, Icel. -verðr, Goth. -vaírþs, L. vertere to turn, versus toward, and E. worth to become. √143. See Worth. v. i., and cf. Verse. Adverbs ending in -wards (AS. -weardes) and some other adverbs, such as besides, betimes, since (OE. sithens). etc., were originally genitive forms used adverbially.] Suffixes denoting course or direction to; motion or tendency toward; as in backward, or backwards; toward, or towards, etc.
    1913 Webster
    -wards . See -ward.
    1913 Webster

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