GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Abjure , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Abjured ; p. pr. & vb. n. Abjuring .] [L. abjurare to deny upon oath; ab + jurare to swear, fr. jus, juris, right, law; cf. F. abjurer. See Jury.]
    1. To renounce upon oath; to forswear; to disavow; as, to abjure allegiance to a prince. To abjure the realm, is to swear to abandon it forever.
      1913 Webster
    2. To renounce or reject with solemnity; to recant; to abandon forever; to reject; repudiate; as, to abjure errors. “Magic I here abjure.”

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- See Renounce.

      1913 Webster

    Abjure, v. i. To renounce on oath.
    Bp. Burnet.

    1913 Webster

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