GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Adjutant , n. [L. adjutans, p. pr. of adjutare to help. See Aid.]
    1. A helper; an assistant.
      1913 Webster
    2. (Mil.) A regimental staff officer, who assists the colonel, or commanding officer of a garrison or regiment, in the details of regimental and garrison duty.
      1913 Webster

      Adjutant general (a) (Mil.), the principal staff officer of an army, through whom the commanding general receives communications and issues military orders. In the U. S. army he is brigadier general. (b) (Among the Jesuits), one of a select number of fathers, who resided with the general of the order, each of whom had a province or country assigned to his care.

      1913 Webster

    3. (Zool.) A species of very large stork (Ciconia argala), a native of India; -- called also the gigantic crane, and by the native name argala. It is noted for its serpent-destroying habits.
      1913 Webster

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