GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Along , adv. [OE. along, anlong, AS. andlang, along; pref. and- (akin to OFris. ond-, OHG. ant-, Ger. ent-, Goth. and-, anda-, L. ante, Gr. , Skr. anti, over against) + lang long. See Long.]
    1. By the length; in a line with the length; lengthwise.
      1913 Webster

      Some laid along . . . on spokes of wheels are hung.

      1913 Webster

    2. In a line, or with a progressive motion; onward; forward.
      1913 Webster

      We will go along by the king's highway.
      Numb. xxi. 22.

      1913 Webster

      He struck with his o'ertaking wings,
      And chased us south along.

      1913 Webster

    3. In company; together.
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      He to England shall along with you.

      1913 Webster

      All along, all through the course of; during the whole time; throughout. “I have all along declared this to be a neutral paper.” Addison. -- To get along, to get on; to make progress, as in business. “She 'll get along in heaven better than you or I.” Mrs. Stowe.

      1913 Webster

    Along, prep. By the length of, as distinguished from across.Along the lowly lands.”

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    The kine . . . went along the highway.
    1 Sam. vi. 12.

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    Along. [AS. gelang owing to.] (Now heard only in the prep. phrase along of.)
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    Along of, Along on, often shortened to Long of, prep. phr., owing to; on account of. [Obs. or Low. Eng.]On me is not along thin evil fare.” Chaucer. “And all this is long of you.” Shak. “This increase of price is all along of the foreigners.” London Punch.

    1913 Webster