GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Amplitude , n. [L. amplitudo, fr. amplus: cf. F. amplitude. See Ample.]
    1. State of being ample; extent of surface or space; largeness of dimensions; size.
      1913 Webster

      The cathedral of Lincoln . . . is a magnificent structure, proportionable to the amplitude of the diocese.

      1913 Webster

    2. Largeness, in a figurative sense; breadth; abundance; fullness. (a) Of extent of capacity or intellectual powers.Amplitude of mind.” Milton.Amplitude of comprehension.” Macaulay. (b) Of extent of means or resources.Amplitude of reward.” Bacon.
      1913 Webster
    3. (Astron.) (a) The arc of the horizon between the true east or west point and the center of the sun, or a star, at its rising or setting. At the rising, the amplitude is eastern or ortive: at the setting, it is western, occiduous, or occasive. It is also northern or southern, when north or south of the equator. (b) The arc of the horizon between the true east or west point and the foot of the vertical circle passing through any star or object.
      1913 Webster
    4. (Gun.) The horizontal line which measures the distance to which a projectile is thrown; the range.
      1913 Webster
    5. (Physics) The extent of a movement measured from the starting point or position of equilibrium; -- applied especially to vibratory movements.
      1913 Webster
    6. (math.) An angle upon which the value of some function depends; -- a term used more especially in connection with elliptic functions.
      1913 Webster

      Magnetic amplitude, the angular distance of a heavenly body, when on the horizon, from the magnetic east or west point as indicated by the compass. The difference between the magnetic and the true or astronomical amplitude (see 3 above) is the “variation of the compass.”

      1913 Webster

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