GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Found one definition

    Annul , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Annulled ; p. pr. & vb. n. Annulling.] [F. annuler, LL. annullare, annulare, fr. L. ad to + nullus none, nullum, neut., nothing. See Null, a.]
    1. To reduce to nothing; to obliterate.
      1913 Webster

      Light, the prime work of God, to me's extinct.
      And all her various objects of delight

      1913 Webster

    2. To make void or of no effect; to nullify; to abolish; to do away with; -- used appropriately of laws, decrees, edicts, decisions of courts, or other established rules, permanent usages, and the like, which are made void by component authority.
      1913 Webster

      Do they mean to annul laws of inestimable value to our liberties?

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- To abolish; abrogate; repeal; cancel; reverse; rescind; revoke; nullify; destroy. See Abolish.

      1913 Webster