GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Apparent , a. [F. apparent, L. apparens, -entis, p. pr. of apparere. See Appear.]
    1. Capable of being seen, or easily seen; open to view; visible to the eye; within sight or view.
      1913 Webster

      The moon . . . apparent queen.

      1913 Webster

    2. Clear or manifest to the understanding; plain; evident; obvious; known; palpable; indubitable.
      1913 Webster

      It is apparent foul play.

      1913 Webster

    3. Appearing to the eye or mind (distinguished from, but not necessarily opposed to, true or real); seeming; as the apparent motion or diameter of the sun.
      1913 Webster

      To live on terms of civility, and even of apparent friendship.

      1913 Webster

      What Berkeley calls visible magnitude was by astronomers called apparent magnitude.

      1913 Webster

      Apparent horizon, the circle which in a level plain bounds our view, and is formed by the apparent meeting of the earth and heavens, as distinguished from the rational horizon. -- Apparent time. See Time. -- Heir apparent (Law), one whose to an estate is indefeasible if he survives the ancestor; -- in distinction from presumptive heir. See Presumptive.

      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Visible; distinct; plain; obvious; clear; certain; evident; manifest; indubitable; notorious.

      1913 Webster

    Apparent, n. An heir apparent. [Obs.]
    1913 Webster

    I'll draw it [the sword] as apparent to the crown.

    1913 Webster

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