GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 5 definitions

    Bard , n. [Of Celtic origin; cf. W. bardd, Arm. barz, Ir. & Gael. bard, and F. barde.]
    1. A professional poet and singer, as among the ancient Celts, whose occupation was to compose and sing verses in honor of the heroic achievements of princes and brave men.
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    2. Hence: A poet; as, the bard of Avon.
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    { Bard, Barde } , n. [F. barde, of doubtful origin.]
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    1. A piece of defensive (or, sometimes, ornamental) armor for a horse's neck, breast, and flanks; a barb. [Often in the pl.]
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    2. pl. Defensive armor formerly worn by a man at arms.
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    3. (Cookery) A thin slice of fat bacon used to cover any meat or game.
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    Bard, v. t. (Cookery) To cover (meat or game) with a thin slice of fat bacon.
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    Bard , n. [Akin to Dan. & Sw. bark, Icel. börkr, LG. & HG. borke.]
    1. The exterior covering of the trunk and branches of a tree; the rind.
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    2. Specifically, Peruvian bark.
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      Bark bed. See Bark stove (below). -- Bark pit, a pit filled with bark and water, in which hides are steeped in tanning. -- Bark stove (Hort.), a glazed structure for keeping tropical plants, having a bed of tanner's bark (called a bark bed) or other fermentable matter which produces a moist heat.

      1913 Webster

    Eelpout , n. [AS. lepute.] (Zoöl.) (a) A European fish (Zoarces viviparus), remarkable for producing living young; -- called also greenbone, guffer, bard, and Maroona eel. Also, an American species (Z. anguillaris), -- called also mutton fish, and, erroneously, congo eel, ling, and lamper eel. Both are edible, but of little value. (b) A fresh-water fish, the burbot.
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