GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Barren , a. [OE. barein, OF. brehaing, fem. brehaigne, baraigne, F. bréhaigne; of uncertain origin; cf. Arm. brékhañ, markhañ, sterile; LL. brana a sterile mare, principally in Aquitanian and Spanish documents; Bisc. barau, baru, fasting.]
    1. Incapable of producing offspring; producing no young; sterile; -- said of women and female animals.
      1913 Webster

      She was barren of children.
      Bp. Hall.

      1913 Webster

    2. Not producing vegetation, or useful vegetation; sterile.Barren mountain tracts.”

      1913 Webster
    3. Unproductive; fruitless; unprofitable; empty.
      1913 Webster

      Brilliant but barren reveries.

      1913 Webster

      Some schemes will appear barren of hints and matter.

      1913 Webster

    4. Mentally dull; stupid.

      1913 Webster

      Barren flower, a flower which has only stamens without a pistil, or which has neither stamens nor pistils. -- Barren Grounds (Geog.), a vast tract in British America northward of the forest regions. -- Barren Ground bear (Zool.), a peculiar bear, inhabiting the Barren Grounds, now believed to be a variety of the brown bear of Europe. -- Barren Ground caribou (Zool.), a small reindeer (Rangifer Grœnlandicus) peculiar to the Barren Grounds and Greenland.

      1913 Webster

    Barren, n.
    1. A tract of barren land.
      1913 Webster
    2. pl. Elevated lands or plains on which grow small trees, but not timber; as, pine barrens; oak barrens. They are not necessarily sterile, and are often fertile. [Amer.]
      J. Pickering.

      1913 Webster

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