GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Brook , n. [OE. brok, broke, brook, AS. brōc; akin to D. broek, LG. brōk, marshy ground, OHG. pruoh, G. bruch marsh; prob. fr. the root of E. break, so as that it signifies water breaking through the earth, a spring or brook, as well as a marsh. See Break, v. t.] A natural stream of water smaller than a river or creek.
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    The Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water.
    Deut. viii. 7.

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    Empires itself, as doth an inland brook
    Into the main of waters.

    1913 Webster

    Brook, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Brooked ; p. pr. & vb. n. Brooking.] [OE. broken, bruken, to use, enjoy, digest, AS. brūcan; akin to D. gebruiken to use, OHG. prūhhan, G. brauchen, gebrauchen, Icel. brka, Goth. brkjan, and L. frui, to enjoy. Cf. Fruit, Broker.]
    1. To use; to enjoy. [Obs.]

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    2. To bear; to endure; to put up with; to tolerate; as, young men can not brook restraint.

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      Shall we, who could not brook one lord,
      Crouch to the wicked ten?

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    3. To deserve; to earn. [Obs.]
      Sir J. Hawkins.

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