GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Canton , n. A song or canto [Obs.]
    1913 Webster

    Write loyal cantons of contemned love.

    1913 Webster

    Canton, n. [F. canton, augm. of OF. cant edge, corner. See 1st Cant.]
    1. A small portion; a division; a compartment.
      1913 Webster

      That little canton of land called the “English pale”

      1913 Webster

      There is another piece of Holbein's, . . . in which, in six several cantons, the several parts of our Savior's passion are represented.
      Bp. Burnet.

      1913 Webster

    2. A small community or clan.
      1913 Webster
    3. A small territorial district; esp. one of the twenty-two independent states which form the Swiss federal republic; in France, a subdivision of an arrondissement. See Arrondissement.
      1913 Webster
    4. (Her.) A division of a shield occupying one third part of the chief, usually on the dexter side, formed by a perpendicular line from the top of the shield, meeting a horizontal line from the side.
      1913 Webster

      The king gave us the arms of England to be borne in a canton in our arms.

      1913 Webster

    Canton, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Cantoned ; p. pr. & vb. n. Cantoning.] [Cf. F.cantonner.]
    1. To divide into small parts or districts; to mark off or separate, as a distinct portion or division.
      1913 Webster

      They canton out themselves a little Goshen in the intellectual world.

      1913 Webster

    2. (Mil.) To allot separate quarters to, as to different parts or divisions of an army or body of troops.
      1913 Webster

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