GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 3 definitions

    Cark , n. [OE. cark, fr. a dialectic form of F. charge; cf. W. carc anxiety, care, Arm karg charge, burden. See Charge, and cf. Cargo.] A noxious or corroding care; solicitude; worry. [Archaic.]
    1913 Webster

    His heavy head, devoid of careful cark.

    1913 Webster

    Fling cark and care aside.

    1913 Webster

    Freedom from the cares of money and the cark of fashion.
    R. D. Blackmore.

    1913 Webster

    Cark , v. i. To be careful, anxious, solicitous, or troubled in mind; to worry or grieve. [R.]
    Beau. & Fl.

    1913 Webster
    Cark, v. t. To vex; to worry; to make by anxious care or worry. [R.]
    1913 Webster

    Nor can a man, independently . . . of God's blessing, care and cark himself one penny richer.

    1913 Webster