GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Carrion , n. [OE. caroyne, OF. caroigne, F. charogne, LL. caronia, fr. L. caro flesh Cf. Crone, Crony.]
    1. The dead and putrefying body or flesh of an animal; flesh so corrupted as to be unfit for food.
      1913 Webster

      They did eat the dead carrions.

      1913 Webster

    2. A contemptible or worthless person; -- a term of reproach. [Obs.] “Old feeble carrions.”

      1913 Webster
    Carrion, a. Of or pertaining to dead and putrefying carcasses; feeding on carrion.
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    A prey for carrion kites.

    1913 Webster

    Carrion beetle (Zool.), any beetle that feeds habitually on dead animals; -- also called sexton beetle and burying beetle. There are many kinds, belonging mostly to the family Silphidæ. -- Carrion buzzard (Zool.), a South American bird of several species and genera (as Ibycter, Milvago, and Polyborus), which act as scavengers. See Caracara. -- Carrion crow, the common European crow (Corvus corone) which feeds on carrion, insects, fruits, and seeds.

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