GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found one definition

    Conductor , n. [LL., a carrier, transporter, L., a lessee.]
    1. One who, or that which, conducts; a leader; a commander; a guide; a manager; a director.
      1913 Webster

      Zeal, the blind conductor of the will.

      1913 Webster

    2. One in charge of a public conveyance, as of a railroad train or a street car. [U. S.]
      1913 Webster
    3. (Mus.) The leader or director of an orchestra or chorus.
      1913 Webster
    4. (Physics) A substance or body capable of being a medium for the transmission of certain forces, esp. heat or electricity; specifically, a lightning rod.
      1913 Webster
    5. (Surg.) A grooved sound or staff used for directing instruments, as lithontriptic forceps, etc.; a director.
      1913 Webster
    6. (Arch.) Same as Leader.
      1913 Webster

      Prime conductor (Elec.), the largest conductor of an electrical machine, serving to collect, accumulate, or retain the electricity.

      1913 Webster

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