GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English
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Conscious , a. [L. conscius; con- + scire to know. See Conscience.]
- Possessing the faculty of knowing one's own thoughts or mental operations.1913 Webster
Some are thinking or conscious beings, or have a power of thought.
I. Watts.1913 Webster - Possessing knowledge, whether by internal, conscious experience or by external observation; cognizant; aware; sensible.1913 Webster
Her conscious heart imputed suspicion where none could have been felt.
Hawthorne.1913 WebsterThe man who breathes most healthilly is least conscious of his own breathing.
De Quincey.1913 Webster - Made the object of consciousness; known to one's self; as, conscious guilt.1913 Webster
With conscious terrors vex me round.
Milton.Syn. -- Aware; apprised; sensible; felt; known.
1913 Webster
- Possessing the faculty of knowing one's own thoughts or mental operations.