GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Consort , n. [L. consore, -sortis; con- + sors lot, fate, share. See Sort.]
    1. One who shares the lot of another; a companion; a partner; especially, a wife or husband.

      1913 Webster

      He single chose to live, and shunned to wed,
      Well pleased to want a consort of his bed.

      1913 Webster

      The consort of the queen has passed from this troubled sphere.

      1913 Webster

      The snow-white gander, invariably accompanied by his darker consort.

      1913 Webster

    2. (Naut.) A ship keeping company with another.
      1913 Webster
    3. Concurrence; conjunction; combination; association; union. “By Heaven's consort.” Fuller. “Working in consort.” Hare.
      1913 Webster

      Take it singly, and it carries an air of levity; but, in consort with the rest, has a meaning quite different.

      1913 Webster

    4. [LL. consortium.] An assembly or association of persons; a company; a group; a combination. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      In one consort' there sat
      Cruel revenge and rancorous despite,
      Disloyal treason, and heart-burning hate.

      1913 Webster

      Lord, place me in thy consort.

      1913 Webster

    5. [Perh. confused with concert.] Harmony of sounds; concert, as of musical instruments. [Obs.]

      1913 Webster

      To make a sad consort';
      Come, let us join our mournful song with theirs.

      1913 Webster

      Prince consort, the husband of a queen regnant. -- Queen consort, the wife of a king, as distinguished from a queen regnant, who rules alone, and a queen dowager, the window of a king.

      1913 Webster

    Consort , v. i. [imp. & p. p. Consorted; p. pr. & vb. n. Consorting.] To unite or to keep company; to associate; -- used with with.
    1913 Webster

    Which of the Grecian chiefs consorts with thee?

    1913 Webster

    Consort, v. t.
    1. To unite or join, as in affection, harmony, company, marriage, etc.; to associate.
      1913 Webster

      He with his consorted Eve.

      1913 Webster

      For all that pleasing is to living ears
      Was there consorted in one harmony.

      1913 Webster

      He begins to consort himself with men.

      1913 Webster

    2. To attend; to accompany. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      Thou, wretched boy, that didst consort him here,
      Shalt with him hence.

      1913 Webster

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