GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 3 definitions

    Context , a. [L. contextus, p. p. of contexere to weave, to unite; con- + texere to weave. See Text.] Knit or woven together; close; firm. [Obs.]
    1913 Webster

    The coats, without, are context and callous.

    1913 Webster

    Context , n. [L. contextus; cf. F. contexte .] The part or parts of something written or printed, as of Scripture, which precede or follow a text or quoted sentence, or are so intimately associated with it as to throw light upon its meaning.
    1913 Webster

    According to all the light that the contexts afford.

    1913 Webster

    Context , v. t. To knit or bind together; to unite closely. [Obs.]

    1913 Webster

    The whole world's frame, which is contexted only by commerce and contracts.
    R. Junius.

    1913 Webster

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