GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    { Continence , Continency }, n. [F. continence, L. continentia. See Continent, and cf. Countenance.]
    1. Self-restraint; self-command.
      1913 Webster

      He knew what to say; he knew also, when to leave off, -- a continence which is practiced by few writers.

      1913 Webster

    2. The restraint which a person imposes upon his desires and passions; the act or power of refraining from indulgence of the sexual appetite, esp. from unlawful indulgence; sometimes, moderation in sexual indulgence.
      1913 Webster

      If they [the unmarried and widows] have not continency, let them marry.
      1 Cor. vii. 9 (Rev. Ver. ).

      1913 Webster

      Chastity is either abstinence or continence: abstinence is that of virgins or widows; continence, that of married persons.
      Jer. Taylor.

      1913 Webster

    3. Uninterrupted course; continuity. [Obs.]

      1913 Webster

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