GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Coroner , n. [From OE. coronen to crown, OF. coroner, fr. L. coronare, fr. corona crown. Formed as a translation of LL. coronator coroner, fr. L. corona crown, the coroner having been originally a prosecuting officer of the crown. See Crown.] An officer of the peace whose principal duty is to inquire, with the help of a jury, into the cause of any violent, sudden or mysterious death, or death in prison, usually on sight of the body and at the place where the death occurred. [In England formerly also written and pronounced crowner.]
    1913 Webster

    ☞ In some of the United States the office of coroner is abolished, that of medical examiner taking its place.

    1913 Webster

    Coroner's inquest. See under Inquest.

    1913 Webster

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