GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Crenature , n.
    1. (Bot.) A rounded tooth or notch of a crenate leaf, or any part that is crenate; -- called also crenelle.
      1913 Webster
    2. The state of being crenated or notched.
      1913 Webster
    { Crenelle, Crenel } , n. [OF. crenel, F. crneau, LL. crenellus, kernellus, dim. (prob.) fr. L. crena notch. See Crenny.]
    1. An embrasure or indentation in a battlement; a loophole in a fortress; an indentation; a notch. See Merlon, and Illust. of Battlement.
      1913 Webster
    2. (Bot.) Same as Crenature.
      1913 Webster

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