GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Cuckoo , n. [OE. coccou, cukkow, F. coucou, prob. of imitative origin; cf. L. cuculus, Gr. , Skr. kkia, G. kuckuk, D. koekoek.] (Zool.) A bird belonging to Cuculus, Coccyzus, and several allied genera, of many species.
    1913 Webster

    ☞ The European cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) builds no nest of its own, but lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, to be hatched by them. The American yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus Americanus) and the black-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus erythrophthalmus) build their own nests.

    1913 Webster

    Cuckoo clock, a clock so constructed that at the time for striking it gives forth sounds resembling the cry of the cuckoo. -- Cuckoo dove (Zool.), a long-tailed pigeon of the genus Macropygia. Many species inhabit the East Indies. -- Cuckoo fish (Zool.), the European red gurnard (Trigla cuculus). The name probably alludes to the sound that it utters. -- Cuckoo falcon (Zool.), any falcon of the genus Baza. The genus inhabits Africa and the East Indies. -- Cuckoo maid (Zool.), the wryneck; -- called also cuckoo mate. -- Cuckoo ray (Zool.), a British ray (Raia miraletus). -- Cuckoo spit, or Cuckoo spittle. (a) A frothy secretion found upon plants, exuded by the larvae of certain insects, for concealment; -- called also toad spittle and frog spit. (b) (Zool.) A small hemipterous insect, the larva of which, living on grass and the leaves of plants, exudes this secretion. The insects belong to Aphrophora, Helochara, and allied genera. -- Ground cuckoo, the chaparral cock.

    1913 Webster

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