GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    darnel , n. [OE. darnel, dernel, of uncertain origin; cf. dial. F. darnelle, Sw. dår-repe; perh. named from a supposed intoxicating quality of the plant, and akin to Sw. dåra to infatuate, OD. door foolish, G. thor fool, and Ee. dizzy.] (Bot.) Any grass of the genus Lolium, esp. the Lolium temulentum (bearded darnel), the grains of which have been reputed poisonous. Other species, as Lolium perenne (rye grass or ray grass), and its variety Lolium Italicum (Italian rye grass), are highly esteemed for pasture and for making hay.
    1913 Webster

    ☞ Under darnel our early herbalists comprehended all kinds of cornfield weeds.

    Dr. Prior.

    1913 Webster

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