GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Decimal , a. [F. décimal (cf. LL. decimalis), fr. L. decimus tenth, fr. decem ten. See Ten, and cf. Dime.] Of or pertaining to decimals; numbered or proceeding by tens; having a tenfold increase or decrease, each unit being ten times the unit next smaller; as, decimal notation; a decimal coinage.
    1913 Webster

    Decimal arithmetic, the common arithmetic, in which numeration proceeds by tens. -- Decimal fraction, a fraction in which the denominator is some power of 10, as ²⁄₁₀, ²⁵⁄₁₀₀, and is usually not expressed, but is signified by a point placed at the left hand of the numerator, as .2, .25. -- Decimal point, a dot or full stop at the left of a decimal fraction. The figures at the left of the point represent units or whole numbers, as 1.05.

    1913 Webster

    Decimal, n. A number expressed in the scale of tens; specifically, and almost exclusively, used as synonymous with a decimal fraction.
    1913 Webster

    Circulating decimal, or Circulatory decimal, a decimal fraction in which the same figure, or set of figures, is constantly repeated; as, 0.354354354; -- called also recurring decimal, repeating decimal, and repetend.

    1913 Webster

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