GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Delicate , a. [L. delicatus pleasing the senses, voluptuous, soft and tender; akin to deliciae delight: cf. F. délicat. See Delight.]
    1. Addicted to pleasure; luxurious; voluptuous; alluring. [R.]
      1913 Webster

      Dives, for his delicate life, to the devil went.
      Piers Plowman.

      1913 Webster

      Haarlem is a very delicate town.

      1913 Webster

    2. Pleasing to the senses; refinedly agreeable; hence, adapted to please a nice or cultivated taste; nice; fine; elegant; as, a delicate dish; delicate flavor.
      1913 Webster
    3. Slight and shapely; lovely; graceful; as, “a delicate creature.”

      1913 Webster
    4. Fine or slender; minute; not coarse; -- said of a thread, or the like; as, delicate cotton.
      1913 Webster
    5. Slight or smooth; light and yielding; -- said of texture; as, delicate lace or silk.
      1913 Webster
    6. Soft and fair; -- said of the skin or a surface; as, a delicate cheek; a delicate complexion.
      1913 Webster
    7. Light, or softly tinted; -- said of a color; as, a delicate blue.
      1913 Webster
    8. Refined; gentle; scrupulous not to trespass or offend; considerate; -- said of manners, conduct, or feelings; as, delicate behavior; delicate attentions; delicate thoughtfulness.
      1913 Webster
    9. Tender; not able to endure hardship; feeble; frail; effeminate; -- said of constitution, health, etc.; as, a delicate child; delicate health.
      1913 Webster

      A delicate and tender prince.

      1913 Webster

    10. Requiring careful handling; not to be rudely or hastily dealt with; nice; critical; as, a delicate subject or question.
      1913 Webster

      There are some things too delicate and too sacred to be handled rudely without injury to truth.
      F. W. Robertson.

      1913 Webster

    11. Of exacting tastes and habits; dainty; fastidious.
      1913 Webster
    12. Nicely discriminating or perceptive; refinedly critical; sensitive; exquisite; as, a delicate taste; a delicate ear for music.
      1913 Webster
    13. Affected by slight causes; showing slight changes; as, a delicate thermometer.
      1913 Webster
    Delicate, n.
    1. A choice dainty; a delicacy. [R.]
      1913 Webster

      With abstinence all delicates he sees.

      1913 Webster

    2. A delicate, luxurious, or effeminate person.
      1913 Webster

      All the vessels, then, which our delicates have, -- those I mean that would seem to be more fine in their houses than their neighbors, -- are only of the Corinth metal.

      1913 Webster

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