GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found one definition

    Diaphragm , n. [L. diaphragma, Gr. , fr. to fence by a partition wall; διά through + , , to fence, inclose; prob. akin to L. fareire to stuff: cf. F. diaphragme. See Farce.]
    1. A dividing membrane or thin partition, commonly with an opening through it.
      1913 Webster
    2. (Anat.) The muscular and tendinous partition separating the cavity of the chest from that of the abdomen; the midriff.
      1913 Webster
    3. (Zool.) A calcareous plate which divides the cavity of certain shells into two parts.
      1913 Webster
    4. (Opt.) A plate with an opening, which is generally circular, used in instruments to cut off marginal portions of a beam of light, as at the focus of a telescope.
      1913 Webster
    5. (Mach.) A partition in any compartment, for various purposes.
      1913 Webster

      Diaphragm pump, one in which a flexible diaphragm takes the place of a piston.

      1913 Webster