GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Drug , v. i. [See 1st Drudge.] To drudge; to toil laboriously. [Obs.] “To drugge and draw.”

    1913 Webster
    Drug, n. A drudge (?).
    Shak. (Timon iv. 3, 253).

    1913 Webster
    Drug, n. [F. drogue, prob. fr. D. droog; akin to E. dry; thus orig., dry substance, hers, plants, or wares. See Dry.]
    1. Any animal, vegetable, or mineral substance used in the composition of medicines.
      1913 Webster

      Whence merchants bring
      Their spicy drugs.

      1913 Webster

    2. Any commodity that lies on hand, or is not salable; an article of slow sale, or in no demand; -- used often in the phrase “a drug on the market”. “But sermons are mere drugs.”

      1913 Webster

      And virtue shall a drug become.

      1913 Webster

    3. any stuff used in dyeing or in chemical operations.
      1913 Webster
    4. any substance intended for use in the treatment, prevention, diagnosis, or cure of disease, especially one listed in the official pharmacopoeia published by a national authority.
    5. any substance having psychological effects, such as a narcotic, stimulant, or hallucinogenic agent, especially habit-forming and addictive substances, sold or used illegally; as, a drug habit; a drug treatment program; a teenager into drugs; a drug bust; addicted to drugs; high on drugs.
      Syn. -- illegal drug.

      They [smaller and poorer nations] have lined up to recount how drug trafficking and consumption have corrupted their struggling economies and societies and why they are hard pressed to stop it.
      Christopher S. Wren (N Y. Times, June 10, 1998, p. A5)


    Drug, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Drugged ; p. pr. & vb. n. Drugging.] [Cf. F. droguer.] To prescribe or administer drugs or medicines.
    B. Jonson.

    1913 Webster
    Drug, v. t.
    1. To affect or season with drugs or ingredients; esp., to stupefy by a narcotic drug. Also Fig.
      1913 Webster

      The laboring masses . . . [were] drugged into brutish good humor by a vast system of public spectacles.
      C. Kingsley.

      1913 Webster

      Drug thy memories, lest thou learn it.

      1913 Webster

    2. To tincture with something offensive or injurious.
      1913 Webster

      Drugged as oft,
      With hatefullest disrelish writhed their jaws.

      1913 Webster

    3. To dose to excess with, or as with, drugs.
      1913 Webster

      With pleasure drugged, he almost longed for woe.

      1913 Webster

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