GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Dust , n. [AS. dust; cf. LG. dust, D. duist meal dust, OD. doest, donst, and G. dunst vapor, OHG. tunist, dunist, a blowing, wind, Icel. dust dust, Dan. dyst mill dust; perh. akin to L. fumus smoke, E. fume. √71.]
    1. Fine, dry particles of earth or other matter, so comminuted that they may be raised and wafted by the wind; that which is crumbled to minute portions; fine powder; as, clouds of dust; bone dust.
      1913 Webster

      Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
      Gen. iii. 19.

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      Stop! -- for thy tread is on an empire's dust.

      1913 Webster

    2. A single particle of earth or other matter. [R.] “To touch a dust of England's ground.”

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    3. The earth, as the resting place of the dead.
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      For now shall sleep in the dust.
      Job vii. 21.

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    4. The earthy remains of bodies once alive; the remains of the human body.
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      And you may carve a shrine about my dust.

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    5. Figuratively, a worthless thing.
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      And by the merit of vile gold, dross, dust.

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    6. Figuratively, a low or mean condition.
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      [God] raiseth up the poor out of the dust.
      1 Sam. ii. 8.

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    7. Gold dust; hence: (Slang) Coined money; cash.
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      Down with the dust, deposit the cash; pay down the money. [Slang] “My lord, quoth the king, presently deposit your hundred pounds in gold, or else no going hence all the days of your life. . . . The Abbot down with his dust, and glad he escaped so, returned to Reading.” Fuller. -- Dust brand (Bot.), a fungous plant (Ustilago Carbo); -- called also smut. -- Gold dust, fine particles of gold, such as are obtained in placer mining; -- often used as money, being transferred by weight. -- In dust and ashes. See under Ashes. -- To bite the dust. See under Bite, v. t. -- To raise dust, or To kick up dust, to make a commotion. [Colloq.] -- To throw dust in one's eyes, to mislead; to deceive. [Colloq.]

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    Dust , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dusted; p. pr. & vb. n. Dusting.]
    1. To free from dust; to brush, wipe, or sweep away dust from; as, to dust a table or a floor.
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    2. To sprinkle with dust.
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    3. To reduce to a fine powder; to levigate.

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      To dyst one's jacket, to give one a flogging. [Slang.]

      1913 Webster