GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 4 definitions

    Empty , a. [Compar. Emptier ; superl. Emptiest.] [AS. emtig, æmtig, æmetig, fr. æmta, æmetta, quiet, leisure, rest; of uncertain origin; cf. G. emsig busy.]
    1. Containing nothing; not holding or having anything within; void of contents or appropriate contents; not filled; -- said of an inclosure, or a container, as a box, room, house, etc.; as, an empty chest, room, purse, or pitcher; an empty stomach; empty shackles.
      1913 Webster

    2. Free; clear; devoid; -- often with of. “That fair female troop . . . empty of all good.”

      1913 Webster

      I shall find you empty of that fault.

      1913 Webster

    3. Having nothing to carry; unburdened. “An empty messenger.”

      1913 Webster

      When ye go ye shall not go empty.
      Ex. iii. 21.

      1913 Webster

    4. Destitute of effect, sincerity, or sense; -- said of language; as, empty words, or threats.
      1913 Webster

      Words are but empty thanks.

      1913 Webster

    5. Unable to satisfy; unsatisfactory; hollow; vain; -- said of pleasure, the world, etc.
      1913 Webster

      Pleas'd in the silent shade with empty praise.

      1913 Webster

    6. Producing nothing; unfruitful; -- said of a plant or tree; as, an empty vine.
      1913 Webster

      Seven empty ears blasted with the east wind.
      Gen. xli. 27.

      1913 Webster

    7. Destitute of, or lacking, sense, knowledge, or courtesy; as, empty brains; an empty coxcomb.
      1913 Webster

      That in civility thou seem'st so empty.

      1913 Webster

    8. Destitute of reality, or real existence; unsubstantial; as, empty dreams.
      1913 Webster

      Empty is used as the first element in a compound; as, empty-handed, having nothing in the hands, destitute; empty-headed, having few ideas; empty-hearted, destitute of feeling.

      Syn. -- See Vacant.

      1913 Webster

    Empty , n.; pl. Empties . An empty box, crate, cask, etc.; -- used in commerce, esp. in transportation of freight; as, “special rates for empties.”
    1913 Webster
    Empty, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Emptied ; p. pr. & vb. n. Emptying.] To deprive of the contents; to exhaust; to make void or destitute; to make vacant; to pour out; to discharge; as, to empty a vessel; to empty a well or a cistern.
    1913 Webster

    The clouds . . . empty themselves upon the earth.
    Eccl. xi. 3.

    1913 Webster

    Empty, v. i.
    1. To discharge itself; as, a river empties into the ocean.
      1913 Webster
    2. To become empty. “The chapel empties.”
      B. Jonson.

      1913 Webster

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