GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Expedient a. [L. expediens, -entis, p. pr. of expedire to be expedient, release, extricate: cf. F. expédient. See Expedite.]
    1. Hastening or forward; hence, tending to further or promote a proposed object; fit or proper under the circumstances; conducive to self-interest; desirable; advisable; advantageous; -- sometimes contradistinguished from right or principled.
      1913 Webster

      It is expedient for you that I go away.
      John xvi. 7.

      1913 Webster

      Nothing but the right can ever be expedient, since that can never be true expediency which would sacrifice a greater good to a less.

      1913 Webster

    2. Quick; expeditious. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      His marches are expedient to this town.

      1913 Webster

    Expedient, n.
    1. That which serves to promote or advance; suitable means to accomplish an end.
      1913 Webster

      What sure expedient than shall Juno find,
      To calm her fears and ease her boding mind?

      1913 Webster

    2. Means devised in an exigency; shift.

      Syn. -- Shift; contrivance; resource; substitute.

      1913 Webster

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