GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 3 definitions

    Extort , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Extorted; p. pr. & vb. n. Extorting.] [L. extortus, p. p. of extorquere to twist or wrench out, to extort; ex out + torquere to turn about, twist. See Torsion.]
    1. To wrest from an unwilling person by physical force, menace, duress, torture, or any undue or illegal exercise of power or ingenuity; to wrench away (from); to tear away; to wring (from); to exact; as, to extort contributions from the vanquished; to extort confessions of guilt; to extort a promise; to extort payment of a debt.
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    2. (Law) To get by the offense of extortion. See Extortion, 2.
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    Extort, v. i. To practice extortion. [Obs.]

    1913 Webster
    Extort, p. p. & a. [L. extortus. p. p.] Extorted. [Obs.]

    1913 Webster

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