GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    fiend , n. [OE. fend, find, fiend, feond, fiend, foe, AS. feónd; akin to OS. fīond, D. vijand enemy, OHG. fīant, G. feind, Icel. fjānd, Sw. & Dan. fiende, Goth. fijands; orig. p. pr. of a verb meaning to hate, AS. feón, feógan, OHG. n, Goth. fijan, Skr. pīy to scorn; prob. akin to E. feud a quarrel. √81. Cf. Foe, Friend.] An implacable or malicious foe; one who is diabolically wicked or cruel; an infernal being; -- applied specifically to the devil or a demon.
    1913 Webster

    Into this wild abyss the wary fiend
    Stood on the brink of Hell and looked a while.

    1913 Webster

    O woman! woman! when to ill thy mind
    Is bent, all hell contains no fouler fiend.

    1913 Webster

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