GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Fix, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fixed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Fixing.] [Cf. F. fixer.]
    1. To make firm, stable, or fast; to set or place permanently; to fasten immovably; to establish; to implant; to secure; to make definite.
      1913 Webster

      An ass's nole I fixed on his head.

      1913 Webster

      O, fix thy chair of grace, that all my powers
      May also fix their reverence.

      1913 Webster

      His heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.
      Ps. cxii. 7.

      1913 Webster

      And fix far deeper in his head their stings.

      1913 Webster

    2. To hold steadily; to direct unwaveringly; to fasten, as the eye on an object, the attention on a speaker.
      1913 Webster

      Sat fixed in thought the mighty Stagirite.

      1913 Webster

      One eye on death, and one full fix'd on heaven.

      1913 Webster

    3. To transfix; to pierce. [Obs.]

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    4. (Photog.) To render (an impression) permanent by treating with a developer to make it insensible to the action of light.

      1913 Webster
    5. To put in order; to arrange; to dispose of; to adjust; to set to rights; to set or place in the manner desired or most suitable; hence, to repair; as, to fix the clothes; to fix the furniture of a room. [Colloq. U.S.]
      1913 Webster
    6. (Iron Manuf.) To line the hearth of (a puddling furnace) with fettling.

      Syn. -- To arrange; prepare; adjust; place; establish; settle; determine.

      1913 Webster

    Fixed , a.
    1. Securely placed or fastened; settled; established; firm; imovable; unalterable.
      1913 Webster
    2. (Chem.) Stable; non-volatile.
      1913 Webster

      Fixed air (Old Chem.), carbonic acid or carbon dioxide; -- so called by Dr. Black because it can be absorbed or fixed by strong bases. See Carbonic acid, under Carbonic. -- Fixed alkali (Old Chem.), a non-volatile base, as soda, or potash, in distinction from the volatile alkali ammonia. -- Fixed ammunition (Mil.), a projectile and powder inclosed together in a case ready for loading. -- Fixed battery (Mil.), a battery which contains heavy guns and mortars intended to remain stationary; -- distinguished from movable battery. -- Fixed bodies, those which can not be volatilized or separated by a common menstruum, without great difficulty, as gold, platinum, lime, etc. -- Fixed capital. See the Note under Capital, n., 4. -- Fixed fact, a well established fact. [Colloq.] -- Fixed light, one which emits constant beams; -- distinguished from a flashing, revolving, or intermittent light. -- Fixed oils (Chem.), non-volatile, oily substances, as stearine and olein, which leave a permanent greasy stain, and which can not be distilled unchanged; -- distinguished from volatile or essential oils. -- Fixed pivot (Mil.), the fixed point about which any line of troops wheels. -- Fixed stars (Astron.), such stars as always retain nearly the same apparent position and distance with respect to each other, thus distinguished from planets and comets.

      1913 Webster

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