GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Found 3 definitions

    Foal , n. [OE. fole, AS. fola; akin to OHG. folo, G. fohlen, Goth. fula, Icel. foli, Sw. fåle, Gr. πῶλος, L. pullus a young animal. Cf. Filly, Poultry, Pullet.] (Zoö.) The young of any animal of the Horse family (Equidæ); a colt; a filly.
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    Foal teeth (Zool.), the first set of teeth of a horse. -- In foal, With foal, being with young; pregnant; -- said of a mare or she ass.

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    Foal , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Foaled ; p. pr. & vb. n. Foaling.] To bring forth (a colt); -- said of a mare or a she ass.
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    Foal , v. i. To bring forth young, as an animal of the horse kind.
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