GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Cloud , n. [Prob. fr. AS. clūd a rock or hillock, the application arising from the frequent resemblance of clouds to rocks or hillocks in the sky or air.]
    1. A collection of visible vapor, or watery particles, suspended in the upper atmosphere.
      1913 Webster

      I do set my bow in the cloud.
      Gen. ix. 13.

      1913 Webster

      ☞ A classification of clouds according to their chief forms was first proposed by the meteorologist Howard, and this is still substantially employed. The following varieties and subvarieties are recognized: (a) Cirrus. This is the most elevated of all the forms of clouds; is thin, long-drawn, sometimes looking like carded wool or hair, sometimes like a brush or room, sometimes in curl-like or fleecelike patches. It is the cat's-tail of the sailor, and the mare's-tail of the landsman. (b) Cumulus. This form appears in large masses of a hemispherical form, or nearly so, above, but flat below, one often piled above another, forming great clouds, common in the summer, and presenting the appearance of gigantic mountains crowned with snow. It often affords rain and thunder gusts. (c) Stratus. This form appears in layers or bands extending horizontally. (d) Nimbus. This form is characterized by its uniform gray tint and ragged edges; it covers the sky in seasons of continued rain, as in easterly storms, and is the proper rain cloud. The name is sometimes used to denote a raining cumulus, or cumulostratus. (e) Cirro-cumulus. This form consists, like the cirrus, of thin, broken, fleecelice clouds, but the parts are more or less rounded and regulary grouped. It is popularly called mackerel sky. (f) Cirro-stratus. In this form the patches of cirrus coalesce in long strata, between cirrus and stratus. (g) Cumulo-stratus. A form between cumulus and stratus, often assuming at the horizon a black or bluish tint. -- Fog, cloud, motionless, or nearly so, lying near or in contact with the earth's surface. -- Storm scud, cloud lying quite low, without form, and driven rapidly with the wind.

      1913 Webster

    2. A mass or volume of smoke, or flying dust, resembling vapor. “A thick cloud of incense.”
      Ezek. viii. 11.

      1913 Webster
    3. A dark vein or spot on a lighter material, as in marble; hence, a blemish or defect; as, a cloud upon one's reputation; a cloud on a title.
      1913 Webster
    4. That which has a dark, lowering, or threatening aspect; that which temporarily overshadows, obscures, or depresses; as, a cloud of sorrow; a cloud of war; a cloud upon the intellect.
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    5. A great crowd or multitude; a vast collection. “So great a cloud of witnesses.”
      Heb. xii. 1.

      1913 Webster
    6. A large, loosely-knitted scarf, worn by women about the head.
      1913 Webster

      Cloud on a (or the) title (Law), a defect of title, usually superficial and capable of removal by release, decision in equity, or legislation. -- To be under a cloud, to be under suspicion or in disgrace; to be in disfavor. -- In the clouds, in the realm of facy and imagination; beyond reason; visionary.

      1913 Webster

    Fog , n. [Cf. Scot. fog, fouge, moss, foggage rank grass, LL. fogagium, W. ffwg dry grass.] (Agric.) (a) A second growth of grass; aftergrass. (b) Dead or decaying grass remaining on land through the winter; -- called also foggage. [Prov.Eng.] Halliwell. Sometimes called, in New England, old tore. In Scotland, fog is a general name for moss.
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    Fog , v. t. (Agric.) To pasture cattle on the fog, or aftergrass, of; to eat off the fog from.
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    Fog , v. i. [Etymol. uncertain.] To practice in a small or mean way; to pettifog. [Obs.]
    1913 Webster

    Where wouldst thou fog to get a fee?

    1913 Webster

    Fog , n. [Dan. sneefog snow falling thick, drift of snow, driving snow, cf. Icel. fok spray, snowdrift, fjūk snowstorm, fjūka to drift.]
    1. Watery vapor condensed in the lower part of the atmosphere and disturbing its transparency. It differs from cloud only in being near the ground, and from mist in not approaching so nearly to fine rain. See Cloud.
      1913 Webster
    2. A state of mental confusion.
      1913 Webster
    3. (Photog.) Cloudiness or partial opacity of those parts of a developed film or a photograph which should be clear.
      Webster 1913 Suppl.

      Fog alarm, Fog bell, Fog horn, etc., a bell, horn, whistle or other contrivance that sounds an alarm, often automatically, near places of danger where visible signals would be hidden in thick weather. -- Fog bank, a mass of fog resting upon the sea, and resembling distant land. -- Fog ring, a bank of fog arranged in a circular form, -- often seen on the coast of Newfoundland.

      1913 Webster

    Fog , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Fogged ; p. pr. & vb. n. Fogging .]
    1. To envelop, as with fog; to befog; to overcast; to darken; to obscure.
      1913 Webster
    2. (Photog.) To render semiopaque or cloudy, as a negative film, by exposure to stray light, too long an exposure to the developer, etc.
      Webster 1913 Suppl.
    Fog , v. i. (Photog.) To show indistinctly or become indistinct, as the picture on a negative sometimes does in the process of development.
    1913 Webster

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