GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 3 definitions

    Garrot , n. [F. Cf. Garrote.] (Surg.) A stick or small wooden cylinder used for tightening a bandage, in order to compress the arteries of a limb.
    1913 Webster
    Garrot, n. (Zool.) The European golden-eye.
    1913 Webster
    Golden-eye , n. (Zool.) A duck (Glaucionetta clangula), found in Northern Europe, Asia, and America. The American variety (var. Americana) is larger. Called whistler, garrot, gowdy, pied widgeon, whiteside, curre, and doucker. Barrow's golden-eye of America (Glaucionetta Islandica) is less common.
    1913 Webster

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