GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Glair , n. [F. glaire, glaire d'uf, the glair of an egg, prob. fr. L. clarus clear, bright. See Clear, a.]
    1913 Webster
    1. The white of egg. It is used as a size or a glaze in bookbinding, for pastry, etc.
      1913 Webster
    2. Any viscous, transparent substance, resembling the white of an egg.
      1913 Webster
    3. A broadsword fixed on a pike; a kind of halberd.
      1913 Webster
    Glair, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Glaired ; p. pr. & vb. n. Glairing.] To smear with the white of an egg.
    1913 Webster

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