GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Gloom , n. [AS. glōm twilight, from the root of E. glow. See Glow, and cf. Glum, Gloam.]
    1913 Webster
    1. Partial or total darkness; thick shade; obscurity; as, the gloom of a forest, or of midnight.
      1913 Webster
    2. A shady, gloomy, or dark place or grove.
      1913 Webster

      Before a gloom of stubborn-shafted oaks.
      Tennyson .

      1913 Webster

    3. Cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness.
      1913 Webster

      A sullen gloom and furious disorder prevailed by fits.

      1913 Webster

    4. In gunpowder manufacture, the drying oven.
      1913 Webster

      Syn. -- Darkness; dimness; obscurity; heaviness; dullness; depression; melancholy; dejection; sadness. See Darkness.

      1913 Webster

    Gloom, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Gloomed ; p. pr. & vb. n. Glooming.]
    1. To shine or appear obscurely or imperfectly; to glimmer.
      1913 Webster
    2. To become dark or dim; to be or appear dismal, gloomy, or sad; to come to the evening twilight.
      1913 Webster

      The black gibbet glooms beside the way.

      1913 Webster

      [This weary day] . . . at last I see it gloom.

      1913 Webster

    Gloom, v. t.
    1. To render gloomy or dark; to obscure; to darken.
      1913 Webster

      A bow window . . . gloomed with limes.

      1913 Webster

      A black yew gloomed the stagnant air.

      1913 Webster

    2. To fill with gloom; to make sad, dismal, or sullen.
      1913 Webster

      Such a mood as that which lately gloomed
      Your fancy.

      1913 Webster

      What sorrows gloomed that parting day.

      1913 Webster

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