GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 4 definitions

    guy , n. [Sp. guia guide, a guy or small rope used on board of ships to keep weighty things in their places; of Teutonic origin, and the same word as E. guide. See Guide, and cf. Gye.] A rope, chain, or rod attached to anything to steady it; as: a rope to steady or guide an object which is being hoisted or lowered; a rope which holds in place the end of a boom, spar, or yard in a ship; a chain or wire rope connecting a suspension bridge with the land on either side to prevent lateral swaying; a rod or rope attached to the top of a structure, as of a derrick, and extending obliquely to the ground, where it is fastened.
    1913 Webster
    guy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. guyed ; p. pr. & vb. n. guying.] To steady or guide with a guy.
    1913 Webster
    guy, n.
    1. A grotesque effigy, like that of Guy Fawkes, dressed up in England on the fifth of November, the day of the Gunpowder Plot.
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      The lady . . . who dresses like a guy.
      W. S. Gilbert.

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    2. Hence: A person of queer looks or dress. [Chiefly Brit. slang]

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    3. A man or young man; a fellow; -- usually contrasted with gals or girls as, it was fun for both the guys and gals; the guys were watching football while the girls played bridge. [Informal]
    4. A member of a group of either sex, usually a friend or comrade; -- usually used in the pl.; as, tell the guys to come inside; are any of you guys interested in a game of tennis?. [Informal]

      great guy a man who has a very pleasant personality, typically one who is friendly, generous, and pleasant to associate with.


    Guy, v. t. To fool; to baffle; to make (a person) an object of ridicule. [Local & Collog U.S.]
    1913 Webster

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