GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Hither , adv. [OE. hider, AS. hider; akin to Icel. hēðra, Dan. hid, Sw. hit, Goth. hidrē; cf. L. citra on this side, or E. here, he. √183. Cf. He.]
    1913 Webster
    1. To this place; -- used with verbs signifying motion, and implying motion toward the speaker; correlate of hence and thither; as, to come or bring hither.
      1913 Webster
    2. To this point, source, conclusion, design, etc.; -- in a sense not physical.
      1913 Webster

      Hither we refer whatsoever belongeth unto the highest perfection of man.

      1913 Webster

      Hither and thither, to and fro; backward and forward; in various directions. “Victory is like a traveller, and goeth hither and thither.”


      1913 Webster

    Hither, a.
    1. Being on the side next or toward the person speaking; nearer; -- correlate of thither and farther; as, on the hither side of a hill.

      1913 Webster
    2. Applied to time: On the hither side of, younger than; of fewer years than.
      1913 Webster

      And on the hither side, or so she looked,
      Of twenty summers.

      1913 Webster

      To the present generation, that is to say, the people a few years on the hither and thither side of thirty, the name of Charles Darwin stands alongside of those of Isaac Newton and Michael Faraday.

      1913 Webster

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