GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Bonnet , n. [OE. bonet, OF. bonet, bonete. F. bonnet fr. LL. bonneta, bonetum; orig. the name of a stuff, and of unknown origin.]
    1. A headdress for men and boys; a cap. [Obs.]
      Milton. Shak.

      1913 Webster
    2. A soft, elastic, very durable cap, made of thick, seamless woolen stuff, and worn by men in Scotland.
      1913 Webster

      And plaids and bonnets waving high.
      Sir W. Scott.

      1913 Webster

    3. A covering for the head, worn by women, usually protecting more or less the back and sides of the head, but no part of the forehead. The shape of the bonnet varies greatly at different times; formerly the front part projected, and spread outward, like the mouth of a funnel.
      1913 Webster
    4. Anything resembling a bonnet in shape or use; as, (a) (Fort.) A small defense work at a salient angle; or a part of a parapet elevated to screen the other part from enfilade fire. (b) A metallic canopy, or projection, over an opening, as a fireplace, or a cowl or hood to increase the draught of a chimney, etc. (c) A frame of wire netting over a locomotive chimney, to prevent escape of sparks. (d) A roofing over the cage of a mine, to protect its occupants from objects falling down the shaft. (e) In pumps, a metal covering for the openings in the valve chambers.
      1913 Webster
    5. (Naut.) An additional piece of canvas laced to the foot of a jib or foresail in moderate winds.

      1913 Webster
    6. The second stomach of a ruminating animal.
      1913 Webster
    7. An accomplice of a gambler, auctioneer, etc., who entices others to bet or to bid; a decoy. [Cant]
      1913 Webster
    8. (Automobiles) The metal cover or shield over the motor; predominantly British usage. In the U.S. it is called the hood. [Brit.]
      Webster 1913 Suppl.

      Bonnet limpet (Zool.), a name given, from their shape, to various species of shells (family Calyptræidæ). -- Bonnet monkey (Zool.), an East Indian monkey (Macacus sinicus), with a tuft of hair on its head; the munga. -- Bonnet piece, a gold coin of the time of James V. of Scotland, the king's head on which wears a bonnet. Sir W. Scott. -- To have a bee in the bonnet. See under Bee. -- Black bonnet. See under Black. -- Blue bonnet. See in the Vocabulary.

      1913 Webster

    Hood , n. [OE. hood, hod, AS. hōd; akin to D. hoed hat, G. hut, OHG. huot, also to E. hat, and prob. to E. heed. √13.]
    1. State; condition. [Obs.]
      1913 Webster

      How could thou ween, through that disguised hood
      To hide thy state from being understood?

      1913 Webster

    2. A covering or garment for the head or the head and shoulders, often attached to the body garment; especially: (a) A soft covering for the head, worn by women, which leaves only the face exposed. (b) A part of a monk's outer garment, with which he covers his head; a cowl. “All hoods make not monks.” Shak. (c) A like appendage to a cloak or loose overcoat, that may be drawn up over the head at pleasure. (d) An ornamental fold at the back of an academic gown or ecclesiastical vestment; as, a master's hood. (e) A covering for a horse's head. (f) (Falconry) A covering for a hawk's head and eyes. See Illust. of Falcon.
      1913 Webster
    3. Anything resembling a hood in form or use; as: (a) The top or head of a carriage. (b) A chimney top, often contrived to secure a constant draught by turning with the wind. (c) A projecting cover above a hearth, forming the upper part of the fireplace, and confining the smoke to the flue. (d) The top of a pump. (e) (Ord.) A covering for a mortar. (f) (Bot.) The hood-shaped upper petal of some flowers, as of monkshood; -- called also helmet. Gray. (g) (Naut.) A covering or porch for a companion hatch.
      1913 Webster
    4. (Shipbuilding) The endmost plank of a strake which reaches the stem or stern.
      1913 Webster

    Hood , v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hooded ; p. pr. & vb. n. Hooding.]
    1. To cover with a hood; to furnish with a hood or hood-shaped appendage.
      1913 Webster

      The friar hooded, and the monarch crowned.

      1913 Webster

    2. To cover; to hide; to blind.
      1913 Webster

      While grace is saying, I'll hood mine eyes
      Thus with my hat, and sigh and say, “Amen.”

      1913 Webster

      Hooding end (Shipbuilding), the end of a hood where it enters the rabbet in the stem post or stern post.

      1913 Webster

    Hood , n.
    1. [shortened from hoodlum.] Same as hoodlum. [Colloq.]
    2. [shortened from neighborhood.] Same as neighborhood. [slang]
    Hoodlum , n. A young rowdy; a rough, lawless fellow; colloquially, called also hood. [Colloq. U.S.]
    1913 Webster

    Just tell your hoodlum friends outside
    You ain't got time to take no ride.
    Yakety-Yak (Song)


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