GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Identical , a. [Cf. F. identique. See Identity.]
    1. The same; the selfsame; the very same; not different; as, the identical person or thing.
      1913 Webster

      I can not remember a thing that happened a year ago, without a conviction . . . that I, the same identical person who now remember that event, did then exist.

      1913 Webster

    2. Uttering sameness or the same truth; expressing in the predicate what is given, or obviously implied, in the subject; tautological.
      1913 Webster

      When you say body is solid, I say that you make an identical proposition, because it is impossible to have the idea of body without that of solidity.

      1913 Webster

      Identical equation (Alg.), an equation which is true for all values of the algebraic symbols which enter into it.

      1913 Webster

    { Identic, Identical }, a. In diplomacy (esp. in the form identic), precisely agreeing in sentiment or opinion and form or manner of expression; -- applied to concerted action or language which is used by two or more governments in treating with another government.
    Webster 1913 Suppl.

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