GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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Found 2 definitions

    Jaundice , n. [OE. jaunis, F. jaunisse, fr. jaune yellow, orig. jalne, fr. L. galbinus yellowish, fr. galbus yellow.] (Med.) A morbid condition, characterized by yellowness of the eyes, skin, and urine, whiteness of the feces, constipation, uneasiness in the region of the stomach, loss of appetite, and general languor and lassitude. It is caused usually by obstruction of the biliary passages and consequent damming up, in the liver, of the bile, which is then absorbed into the blood.
    1913 Webster

    Blue jaundice. See Cyanopathy.

    1913 Webster

    Jaundice , v. t. To affect with jaundice; to color by prejudice or envy; to prejudice.
    1913 Webster

    The envy of wealth jaundiced his soul.
    Ld. Lytton.

    1913 Webster

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