GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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    Lark , n. [Perh fr. AS. lāc play, sport. Cf. Lake, v. i.] A frolic; a jolly time. [Colloq.] Dickens.
    1913 Webster
    Lark, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Larked ; p. pr. & vb. n. Larking.] To sport; to frolic. [Colloq.]
    1913 Webster
    Lark, n. [OE. larke, laverock, AS. lāwerce; akin to D. leeuwerik, LG. lewerke, OHG. lērahha, G. lerche, Sw. lärka, Dan. lerke, Icel. lævirki.] (Zool.) Any one numerous species of singing birds of the genus Alauda and allied genera (family Alaudidæ). They mostly belong to Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. In America they are represented by the shore larks, or horned larks, of the genus Otocoris. The true larks have holaspidean tarsi, very long hind claws, and, usually, dull, sandy brown colors.
    1913 Webster

    ☞ The European skylark, or lark of the poets (Alauda arvensis), is of a brown mottled color, and is noted for its clear and sweet song, uttered as it rises and descends almost perpendicularly in the air. It is considered a table delicacy, and immense numbers are killed for the markets. Other well-known European species are the crested, or tufted, lark (Alauda cristata), and the wood lark (Alauda arborea). The pipits, or titlarks, of the genus Anthus (family Motacillidæ) are often called larks. See Pipit. The American meadow larks, of the genus Sturnella, are allied to the starlings. See Meadow Lark. The Australian bush lark is Mirafra Horsfieldii. See Shore lark.

    1913 Webster

    Lark bunting (Zool.), a fringilline bird (Calamospiza melanocorys) found on the plains of the Western United States. -- Lark sparrow (Zool.), a sparrow (Chondestes grammacus), found in the Mississippi Valley and the Western United States.

    1913 Webster

    Lark, v. i. To catch larks; as, to go larking.
    1913 Webster

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